Looking for Ways to Lower Your Home Energy Costs? Checkout These Ideas!

Saving money is something that everyone is interested in. Especially when they can find a way to save money on something they have to have, like energy. In order to help you out we found this article with 30 different ideas to lower your home energy costs. We hope it works!

If you need Baton Rouge dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

With utility bills always on the rise, it’s always useful to reduce your home’s energy consumption.

Here are 30 smart and easy ways to lower your energy costs.

No-Cost Fixes

  • In winter, open drapes, blinds, or shades on south-facing windows and let the sun warm your rooms. Close window coverings at sundown to help insulate. Clean windows maximize solar gain.
  • In summer, close drapes, blinds, or shades on east- and west-facing windows. Once the sun sets, open the windows to let the cooler night air in, but remember to close and lock ground floor windows before retiring for the night.
  • Use heat-generating appliances (washers, dryers, or ovens) during the morning or evening when it???s cooler. This reduces the load on your air conditioner in the summer and helps heat the house in the winter.

Low- and Higher-Cost Fixes

  • Install weather stripping or caulk around doors and windows, and place foam gaskets behind outlet plate covers on exterior walls. If there is a gap at the bottom of the door, install a door sweep or door shoe gasket.
  • Replace incandescent lightbulbs, especially in high-use areas, with Energy Star?? compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs). While they cost more, compact fluorescent bulbs use much less energy than incandescent bulbs and last a lot longer and are better for the environment.
  • Install white shades or blinds on windows to reflect heat away from the house if you live in a warm climate. If there isn???t enough roof overhang to shield windows from direct sun, consider installing awnings over west and southfacing windows. They will not only block solar heat, but will also protect furnishings from UV damage.
  • Ask your utility company to do an energy audit. The cost for an audit varies but some companies offer free audits for low income households.

Interested in a smart thermostat? Then checkout this article about smart thermostat that could be of interest to you.

Have a Homeowner’s Association? Learn All About Them Here!

If you’ve recently moved into a home that is apart of a homeowner’s association or HOA then you probably have questions about what it is and what it does. in order to help you answer these questions we found this article that we hope will answer all of your questions!

If you need Lafayette vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

About 20 to 30 percent of home buyers purchase properties within common-interest developments, commonly referred to as homeowners associations (HOAs). Before weighing the pros and cons of owning a property in an HOA community it???s important to understand what HOAs are, how they are governed and how they affect a homeowner???s bottom line.

Here are some basic facts home buyers should know.

What is a common-interest development?
In a common-interest development individual owners typically share some parcel and the buildings on that parcel as co-owners. A common-interest development would generally be a condominium building, a town home community or lofts, or could be a single-family home community, private neighborhood or other similar arrangement. Buyers in the development or building agree to live by the community rules and regulations.

These regulations mean that as an owner you have certain rights and restrictions as outlined by development documents commonly called CC&Rs (covenants, conditions and restrictions). The CC&Rs govern your allowed ownership, use and behavior at the property ??? everything from use of your unit to parking restrictions, insurance, architectural rules, paint colors, storage of RVs or boats, pets, allowed inhabitants and more. These rules and regulations can be changed, subject to approval by a majority of the owners.

Have questions about homeowner’s insurance? Then checkout this article about homeowner’s insurance that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.zillow.com/blog/homeowners-associations-primer-152704/

Home Inspection Turn Up Issues? Find Out How to Negotiate to Get Homeowners to Pay for Them Here!

Home turn up issues all the time during home inspections. Most small manageable things but other times it’s something big. In order to save you some money and still get you the home of your dreams we found this article to help you negotiate with the homeowners to have them pay for them. We hope it helps!

If you need Baton Rouge vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Most would-be buyers and sellers believe the real estate ???deal??? is negotiated at the signing of the contract. By that point, the counteroffers have been made and the back and forth has happened, so it???s easy to assume that the deal will go on auto-pilot until closing.

The reality, though, is that in many cases, the deal-making and negotiations only start at the contract signing. Even in more competitive real estate markets, negotiations still happen once in escrow.

For example, if you???re a buyer, the property inspection or sellers??? disclosures ??? maybe the HVAC system has some issues ??? may prompt you to seek a credit. But where do you go from there?

Here are three tips for negotiating repairs after a home inspection.

1. Ask for a credit for the work to be done
The sellers are on their way out. If the property is moving toward closing, they???re likely packing and dreaming of their new home. The last thing they want to do is repair work on their old home. As a result, they may not approach the work with the same conscientiousness that you, as the new owner, would. They may not even treat the work as a high priority. If you take a cash-back credit at close of escrow, you can use that money to complete the project yourself. Chances are you may do a better job than the seller, too. Finally, if you get the credit, there will be less back and forth to confirm the work has been done.

2. Think ???big picture???
If you know you want to renovate a bathroom within a few years, then you likely won???t care that a little bit of its floor is damaged, that there???s a leaky faucet or that the caulking needs to be redone. These things will get fixed during your future renovation. However, the repairs are still up for negotiation. Asking the seller for a credit to fix these issues will help offset some of your closing costs.

Looking to get a mortgage? Then checkout this article about getting a home mortgage that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.zillow.com/blog/negotiating-after-home-inspection-140771/

Debating if You Should Trade Up or Remodel? Find Out Here!

Deciding between fixing up your home or moving into a new home can be a very difficult decision and there are many factors to consider. In order to help you identify all the factors to help you make the best decision for you and your family we found this article. We hope it will help you!

If you need Baton Rouge vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Real estate agents often hear from clients who are interested in home buying because they ???need more space??? or they want more ???modern??? kitchens. There may be other reasons their current homes don???t fully meet their needs: a new job, a new relationship, a new baby and so on.

But buying a new home is never the only solution. In fact, in some cases it may be better to remodel or renovate the home you have. Here are some things to consider when deciding whether to remodel, renovate or buy:

Buying means selling, too
Often, the desire for more space leads the homeowner into a simultaneous buy/sell situation. Given that lending standards are still tighter than they were a decade ago, it???s nearly impossible for most people to buy a home before first selling their current home. That means being in limbo ??? potentially homeless ??? until they find a new home. This brings up a great deal of uncertainty.

Buying and selling at the same time is stressful. For starters, in many parts of the country, the inventory of available homes is limited. Yes, you can sell your home, but with inventories so tight, where will you go? Few people want to take that gamble. This is keeping many people, and potential inventory, on the sidelines today.

Buying and selling also comes with a lot of costs. The seller pays the real estate agent???s commission, for instance, along with closing costs on the buy side, plus moving expenses and more. Though it might not be music to a real estate agent???s ears, your money may be better spent on a remodel or renovation.

Credit is easier to obtain
With property values up, homeowners in some parts of the country are realizing an increase in equity of 10 percent to 20 percent over just a year ago. If you suspect that your home equity has increased, call your local bank or mortgage professional or do some research online. You might be surprised to learn that a bank will lend you money ??? more than you might imagine ??? against the equity in your home. Also, a home equity line of credit (HELOC) is considered a mortgage, therefore, the interest part of the loan is tax deductible.

Looking to make some easy upgrades to your home? Then checkout this article about easy upgrades to home that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.zillow.com/blog/should-you-remodel-or-trade-up-144324/

Have Questions About Homeowner’s Insurance? Get Them Answered Here!

After purchasing a home and getting homeowners insurance it can be difficult to know what exactly the insurance covers and what it doesn’t. In order to help you out we found this article with 11 things you didn’t know about homeowner’s insurance. We hope it helps answer your questions!

If you need Baton Rouge dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Think you know everything about your home insurance policy? Is that because you understand the difference between dwelling coverage and personal liability protection? Because you know that floods aren???t covered by standard home insurance?

Think again. You might know more than most, but you probably don???t know everything about your policy ??? unless you???ve read the fine print and committed it to memory. And who???s got time for that? However you don???t want to find yourself stuck without coverage you thought you had. Here are some lesser known coverage nuances you likely weren???t aware of.

It???s electric
When it comes to problems caused by electricity ??? or lack of it ??? coverage varies according to the situation. Two potential issues:

  • Lightning. Your house is covered if it???s struck by lightning, even if the item struck is your air conditioning unit. You will, however, still have to pay your deductible. (This is true for nearly all the situations in which you???re covered.)
  • Losses caused by power failure. If lightning strikes a transformer in your neighborhood and knocks out power for several hours, you???re not covered for items ruined in your refrigerator or standalone freezer. However you could purchase extra coverage for this.

The friendly skies
When it comes to aircraft, your coverage protection can be up in air. Check out these scenarios:

  • An airplane crashes into your house. If you???re at home when this happens, you???ve probably got other concerns. But yes, you are covered for damage to your home should an airplane crash into it.
  • Damage to an aircraft kept on your property. If that plane is yours, is on the ground and gets damaged through vandalism, fire, a tree falling on it or any other reason, a standard homeowners policy typically won???t help with the repairs.
  • A satellite crashes into your house. Every few weeks, you hear about long-dead satellites or other pieces of space debris falling victim to gravity and crashing to the ground. And if one hits your house? Yes, you typically are covered. And manmade objects aren???t the only items covered. Standard home insurance also usually covers harm to your home done by meteors.

Ever considered doing a home inventory? Then checkout this article about doing a home inventory that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.zillow.com/blog/11-facts-about-homeowners-policy-153338/

When Checking Your Credit Do You Know What to Check? Find Out Here!

Everyone should always know what’s on their credit report. But reading and understanding credit reports can be very confusing. In order to help you out we found this article with five different things to review on your credit report. We hope it helps!

If you need Baton Rouge vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

As a prospective home owner, you may find yourself paying closer attention to your credit. And rightfully so. A home can be one of the most important investments you???ll make during your lifetime. Home ownership is still the American dream for many. A home can become a part of your family???s story.

Applying for your home loan
Your lender will want to know as much about you as possible before approving your loan application. Before lending money, lenders want to make sure that you meet their credit risk guidelines. This is why it???s so important to check your own credit report ahead of time. What are the elements that make it a good report? What are the elements that may have lowered your score? Remember, what you see on your credit report is what potential lenders may consider when deciding to offer you a loan.

Your credit is a snapshot
Credit ReportThink of your credit report as a snapshot of how you take responsibility for your credit; it???s a snapshot that anyone with permission can review. You might say it reveals the state of your credit???s health at any point in your life. For your own viewing purposes, your credit report is an excellent way to tell if you???re making good financial decisions that could affect where you work, play and live. There are certain types of information on your credit report that you should pay close attention to. These are areas that potential creditors will examine when checking your credit report to determine if you???re a good credit risk.

Looking to get a mortgage? Then checkout this article about getting a mortgage tips that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.zillow.com/blog/5-important-things-to-review-146693/

Looking to Get a Mortgage? Follow These Tips to Get the Best Mortgage Possible!

Buying a house is stressful. Finding the right house is just one part of the equation. Getting financing to be able to afford it is another part of the equation. In order to help you get the best mortgage possible we found this article with 7 tips. We hope it helps make your dream home a reality!

If you need Baton Rouge dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

As the real estate market begins to perk up, many people find themselves in a good position to start looking for a home. Even though interest rates continue to hover at the lower end of the spectrum, shopping for a mortgage is still a tricky process, especially if you???re doing it for the first time. But don???t fret. These seven steps will help you navigate the treacherous waters of mortgage shopping, and they???ll save you time and money in the process.

1. Have your credit report ready
Lenders use your credit score as one of the major factors in determining if you will get approved for a loan, as well as what kind of interest rates you qualify for. That is why it???s important to review your report at least once a year to make sure everything is in order. If there are any errors that affect your credit score, you could be missing out on a few points here and there that will make a huge difference when you walk into a loan office. Interest rates could skyrocket, or you could even be denied a loan if your score is lacking.

If you can, try to get a credit report at least six months prior to applying for a loan. You will have time to review it and get in touch with a credit agency if you find any errors. You also can use this time to start sprucing your score up a bit by avoiding big purchases that put your finances in jeopardy and not opening up any more lines of credit.

2. Work on improving your debt-to-income ratio
Your debt-to-income ratio is the amount of money you make versus how much you owe. Lenders also take this into consideration when you apply for a loan, so it might be a good idea to try to reduce your debt or increase your income. Make bigger payments on credit card debt to boost your ratio, or pay off any outstanding loans you may have. You will be a more desirable candidate, and you might save some money in the long run.

3. Plan for a big down payment
A big down payment saves you lot of money. Save up for the biggest down payment you can afford so you can take advantage of bigger loans, smaller interest rates, and more attractive closing fees. It also helps lenders determine your property???s loan-to-value ratio. Most loan programs usually require a down payment that falls somewhere between 5 percent to 20 percent. In some cases, if you can???t afford a 20 percent down payment, your lender might require you to pay for mortgage insurance because they???re increasing their loss risk by loaning you more money.

Looking to make some easy upgrades around your home? Then checkout this article about easy home upgrades that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.zillow.com/blog/7-tips-to-get-the-best-mortgage-153939/

Want to Refinish Your Hardwood Floors? Find Out How Much it Will Cost Here!

Everyone that has hardwood floors wants them to be beautiful. The problem with wood though is that it ages and becomes less beautiful over time. Luckily though hardwood floor can be refinished in order to become a different color and be restored to their former beauty. Refinishing hardwood floors costs money. In order to help you determine just how much money it’ll cost we found this article to help you. We hope it helps!

If you need Lafayette vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Whether you???re moving into a fixer-upper or just looking to spruce up your existing space, refinishing hardwood floors can add warmth and beauty to almost any home.

The cost to refinish hardwood floors depends on where you live, the type of wood, how large an area you???re planning to refinish and the condition of your floors.

But, even before you start getting bids on your project, you need to determine whether your floors truly need to be refinished (sanding off the existing finish down to bare wood) or whether they should simply be ???screened and recoated??? (sprucing up an existing coat of polyurethane by lightly sanding the old finish and top-coating it).

Screen and recoat
Anita Howard, chief operating officer and a spokeswoman for the National Wood Flooring Association, says if homeowners regularly maintain their hardwood floors, they may never have to refinish them.

Polyurethane is used as a protective coating for many wood floors. Over time, that coating is worn away by day-to-day use. Every few years, before the protective coat has grown too thin, it must be refreshed with a new coat. The floors first must be cleaned. The finish layer is then abraded so the new finish has something to hold onto, and then the new coat of finish is applied.

This process, also known as ???pad and recoat,??? costs significantly less than total floor refinishing at around $1,000 to $1,400 for 800 square feet.

Have questions about design and remodeling trends of 2014? Then checkout this article about home trends 2014 that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.zillow.com/blog/cost-to-refinish-wood-floors-145520/

Moving? Find Out What Makes a Home a Good One Here!

Buying a new home is stressful. There are so many things to consider. Is it large enough? Does it have enough bedrooms and bathrooms? Is it in the right subdivision? The list goes on and on. In order to help you out we found this article that helps you determine what makes a house a good one. We hope it helps you find your dream home!

If you need Baton Rouge dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Buyers spend a lot of time looking at properties online, touring homes on the Sunday open house circuit, and talking to their real estate agent. They???re laser-focused on finding the best home that meets their needs. The problem is, buyers sometimes don???t take the long view of a property. They???re only looking at a home as a potential buyer ??? and not as someone who, years down the road, may also have to sell the property. Given that homes are such a big investment, there should be a little inside your head, picking away at your options and decisions.

As the home buying market starts to heat up again, here are ten things you should consider when choosing your next home.

1. Location, location, location
Perhaps nothing is more important than the three L???s, and there???s a reason why it???s said three times.

Location is extremely important when it comes time to sell. You can have the worst house in the world with the ugliest kitchen and bath. But put it on a great block or in a good school district, and your home will be coveted.

Location location location matters on so many different levels. At the highest level is the town where the house is located, then the school district, then the neighborhood and the block ??? right down to the location of the lot on the block. Keep all of this in mind when shopping. Also remember that while real estate markets rise and fall, no one can take a great location away from you.

2. The school district
The school district is right up there on the list of what???s most important to many buyers. It???s not uncommon for buyers to start their search based solely on the school district they want to be in. Parents want their kids to go to the best school, which can drive up prices of homes in those districts. Even though you might not have children, buying a home in a good school district is always smart. If the schools are desirable, homes tend to hold their value. As a homeowner, you should always be aware of how the schools are doing, not unlike being aware of your roof???s condition, the neighborhood development or city government.

3. The home???s position on the lot
Where the home sits on the lot in relation to the street or the overgrown oak are key elements in picking out a home. In the case of a condo, an end unit vs. an interior unit is a key consideration. You may have chosen the most beautifully renovated home in the best school district and figure all is good. But if the main living areas are shaded by a neighbor???s extension or the master bedroom looks into the neighbors??? family room, you may have a location problem. Light or privacy may not be a hot button for you, but chances are, they might be concerns for a future buyer.

Looking for information on doing a home inventory? Then checkout this article about doing a home inventory that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.zillow.com/blog/10-things-that-make-a-home-a-good-home-88384/

Looking for Interior Design Trends of 2014? Start Here!

Design trends change every year. Sometimes it’s because of advances in technology and other times it’s just because personal style changes. Regardless of the reason we found this article with 10 interior design trends of 2014. We hope it helps you decide how to update your home!

If you need Baton Rouge vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

A new year means a fresh start, and what better way to kick off 2014 than by updating the look of your home. All it takes are a few simple changes to breathe life into familiar spaces. This year???s interior design trends are all about creating dramatic impact from simplicity, because the looks are simultaneously more bold and more accessible than ever before. We???ve carefully chosen 10 of the most prominent trends for you to try. Not cheesy, not overdone, these trends are sophisticated enough to stick around for a long time to come.

Saturated colors
Leave gray, beige and greige in the rearview mirror in favor of deeply-saturated hues like navy and plum. In fact, navy is considered a new neutral for its ability to blend with other colors and styles. If a darker shade on the wall seems too scary, start with a piece of furniture like a sofa or sectional as your focal point and work from there.

High style at low prices
Haute design trends have never been more affordable, thanks to retail innovations including collaborations with famous designers. Stores like Target have upped the ante by providing affordable trends to the masses while they???re still ???au courant???. Now, even non-designers are totally in the know.

Light-toned wood
For many years, dark tones like mahogany and cherry dominated the wood furniture market. This year caramel and honey tones will take the spotlight. The softer look blends with any design style and keeps furnishings from feeling heavy or fussy.

Have questions about design and remodeling trends of 2014? Then checkout this article about home trends 2014 that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.pastemagazine.com/blogs/lists/2014/01/10-interior-design-trends-for-2014.html