Information on After School Snacks

Red_AppleKids eat a lot. Afternoon snacks are no exception. Do you know how important it is though? We found this article from Kids Health that we hope will help you make important decisions regarding your children’s after school snacks!

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From the article:

Do your kids come in from school and make a beeline to the kitchen looking for something to eat? If so, how can you can make sure they enjoy a snack while still saving room for a healthy dinner?

Kids need less frequent snacks as they get older, but it’s not surprising that most are hungry after school. Many kids eat lunch early ??? 11:30 or even before ??? and then have an afternoon of classes and maybe even an after-school activity before their next chance to eat. It’s no wonder the snack food vending machine looks so appealing at the end of the day.

Depending on a child’s age and after-school routine, parents might not always be able to control what their kids eat in the late afternoon. But don’t throw in the towel just yet. These steps can guide kids to good after-school snacks that will be satisfying and still leave room for a nutritious dinner.

Figure Out the Timing
Put yourself in your kids’ shoes and consider their eating schedules on a normal weekday. Some younger kids may have a mid-morning snack, but most older school-age kids won’t. Find out: When is lunchtime? What and how much do they eat at lunch? Do they ever skip lunch? Does the after-school program serve snacks? This will help you figure out how hungry your kids will be when they get home.

Looking for yummy pumpkin recipes? Checkout this article about pumpkin desserts for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here:

Looking to Obtain a Better Work / Life Balance? Try These Ideas!

IMG_4054-670x394Trying to find a good balance between life and work can be very difficult especially if you have a large work load or your family has a very demanding schedule. We found this article from WebMD with five different tips that we hope will help you lead a more balanced life.

If you need Hammond homeowners associations dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

If you’re finding it more challenging than ever to juggle the demands of your job and the rest of your life, you’re not alone.

Many people are putting in extra hours, or using their smartphones to be on call when they’re not physically at work.

“A lot of people are having a more difficult time finding balance in their lives because there have been cutbacks or layoffs where they work. They’re afraid it may happen to them, so they’re putting in more hours,” says psychologist Robert Brooks, PhD, co-author of The Power of Resilience: Achieving Balance, Confidence, and Personal Strength in Your Life.

“But even if you don’t have much control over the hours you have to work, you can ask yourself: In what other ways am I bringing greater enjoyment into my life?” Brooks says. “Focus your time and attention on things you can control.”

Here are five ways to bring a little more balance to your daily routine:

1. Build downtime into your schedule.
When you plan your week, make it a point to schedule time with your family and friends, and activities that help you recharge.

If a date night with your spouse or a softball game with friends is on your calendar, you’ll have something to look forward to and an extra incentive to manage your time well so you don’t have to cancel.

“It helps to be proactive about scheduling,” says Laura Stack, a productivity expert in Denver and author of SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best. “When I go out with my girlfriends, we all whip out our cell phones and put another girls’ night out on the calendar for 1 month later.”

Stack also plans an activity with her family, like going to a movie or the park, every Sunday afternoon. “We do this because if there’s nothing on the schedule, time tends to get frittered away and the weekend may end without us spending quality time together,” she says.

Michael Neithardt, an actor and television commercial producer in New York City, wakes up 3 hours before he has to leave for work so he can go for a run and spend some time with his wife and baby.

“A lot of my friends tend to wake up, shower, and go straight to work. And they often complain about having no time to do anything,” he says. “I find that if I can get those 3 hours in the morning, I have a more productive and peaceful workday. I can sure tell the difference when I don’t.”

Looking for yummy pumpkin recipes? Checkout this article about pumpkin desserts for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read all the tips here:

Love Pumpkin Recipes? Try These Mouthwatering Desserts!

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAWith fall right around the corner it’s time to try some yummy pumpkin recipes! We found this article by Country Living that has 16 yummy pumpkin desserts for you to try. We are sure that you and your family will love them! Enjoy!!

If you need Baton Rouge apartment associations vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Chocolate Pumpkin Cake
Good vanilla makes a big difference in taste, but it is pricey. To avoid waste while making this cake, measure over a small, clean dish to catch any spillover.

Pumpkin Recipes for Baton Rouge Families!

Pumpkin Spice Cake
Layers of cake cushioned with Pumpkin Cream-Cheese Frosting create a lasting impression even before you take the first bite. One taste of this moist cake and creamy icing, and the traditional pumpkin pie may have to make room on the sideboard for a new holiday favorite.


Looking for family fun here at home? Checkout this article about family fun in Baton Rouge that could be of interest to you.

For all the recipe ideas click here:

Prevent Injury With Fire Safety

House Fire 3Preventing injury from fire is very important but it’s even more important if you have kids since they don’t have the common sense that adults have. We found this article that we hope will provide a training tool for you and your children. We also hope that it will help prevent any fire injury in your home.

If you need Denham Springs townhomes vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Electrical Appliances, Cords, and Outlets

  • Are your electrical appliances in good condition, without loose or frayed cords or plugs?
  • Are your outlets overloaded with plugs from the TV, computer, printer, video game system, and stereo?
  • Are you overusing an extension cord?
  • Do the light fixtures in your home use bulbs that are the correct wattage?
  • Does your home contain GFCIs (ground fault circuit interrupters) and/or AFCIs (arc fault circuit interrupters), which prevent electrical shock and fire by shutting off faulty circuits?

Look around your house for potential problems. And unless you’re a trained electrician, be careful about do-it-yourself electrical projects. Studies have shown that many home fires are caused by improper installation of electrical devices.

Interested in more household safety tips? Checkout this article about household safety for homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Click here to read all the tips:

Learn Household Safety and Prevent Injury

House Fire 2No one wants to think about themselves or their loved ones getting injured in your own home but unfortunately it happens. Preventing injury of any kind is a parent’s number one priority. We found this article with information on keeping your family safe from injury from fires and burns. We hope it helps prevent injury to you and your loved ones.

If you need Hammond townhomes vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

In General

  • Make a fire escape plan with two ways out of the house, plus a designated meeting place once out of the house. Practice the fire escape plan regularly.
  • Keep an emergency ladder on upper floors of your home in the event of a fire. Keep the ladder in or near the room of an adult or older child capable of using it.
  • Make sure you have a smoke alarm on every level of your home and in each bedroom. Test smoke alarms monthly and remember to change the batteries twice a year.
  • Replace smoke alarms that are 10 years or older.
  • Install a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and know how to use it.

Interested in finding out the most common causes of fire and how to avoid them? Checkout this article about common causes of fire for homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read all the ideas here:

Enjoy All the Family Fun Baton Rouge Has to Offer!

1191413_fun_in_the_waterpark_iLooking to have fun right here in Baton Rouge? Checkout these places for family fun!

SPONSOR FOCUS: If you need Baton Rouge condos dryer vent services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Fun things for the whole family to enjoy regardless of age. We have a wide variety of activities that anyone can enjoy in Baton Rouge. Sometimes they’re not the easiest thing to find so here we list what we find in the family section.


  • Big Leagues of Baton Rouge – Do you love batting cages? Softball or hardball batting cages that’re great fun. They do birthday parties.
  • Cajun Country Corn Maze – A yearly fall fun event for the whole family. Great for halloween since they haunt the maze.
  • Celebration Station – A large entertainment complex offering go karts, miniature gulf, food, games and more.
  • Circle Bowl Baton Rouge – Great bowling action good for the whole family. Bowling leagues, special events and more on 25 lanes.
  • Gymboree Play and Music – Offers a wide variety of learning classes for children. They also have birthday parties.
  • Highland Road Park Observatory – Learn about the stars at this educational research facility. Great educational programs for adults and kids every weekend.
  • Jambalaya Park In Gonzales – Includes a kids sprayground, pool and amphitheater. Very clean and fun area.

Worried about keeping your kids safe this summer? Checkout this article aboutsummer safety for kids for parents that could be of interest to you.

To view all the ideas click here:

Learn How to Keep Your Kids Safe This Summer!

everystockphoto_133463_mAll parents want to keep their kids safe. ??We found this article that will be of interest to every parent as summer gets closer.

SPONSOR FOCUS: If you need Baton Rouge townhomes dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:


  • Don???t use scented soaps, perfumes or hair sprays on your child.
  • Avoid areas where insects nest or congregate, such as stagnant pools of water, uncovered foods and gardens where flowers are in bloom.
  • Avoid dressing your child in clothing with bright colors or flowery prints.


  • All skateboarders and scooter-riders should wear protective gear; helmets are particularly important for preventing and minimizing head injuries. Riders should wear helmets that meet ASTM or other approved safety standards, and that are specifically designed to reduce the effects of skating hazards.
  • Communities should continue to develop skateboard parks, which are more likely to be monitored for safety than ramps and jumps constructed by children at home.
  • While in-line skating or using Heelys, only skate on designated paths or rinks and not in the street.


  • Only use a mower with a control that stops the mower blade from moving if the handle is let go.
  • Children younger than 16 years should not be allowed to use ride-on mowers. Children younger than 12 years should not use walk-behind mowers.
  • Make sure that sturdy shoes (not sandals or sneakers) are worn while mowing.
  • Prevent injuries from flying objects, such as stones or toys, by picking up objects from the lawn before mowing begins. Have anyone who uses a mower wear hearing and eye protection.

Looking for family fun in Baton Rouge? Checkout this article about family fun in Baton Rouge for parents that could be of interest to you.

Click here: to view the entire article: