Remodeling Your Home? Add These Clever Items in Your Home!

When remodeling your home there are so many decisions to be made. In order to help you include things in your home that you’ll enjoy for many years to come we’ve found this article for you with more than 30 different ideas. We hope you find some you love!

If you need Hammond dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Make space for two dishwashers instead of one.
You can load one while the other washes. KitchenAid also makes a double drawer dishwasher.

Install an in-wall pest control system.
Pest-tube installation means that all the exterminator has to do is inject some stuff into one end to keep insects and rodents away.

Maximize your space with baseboard drawers.
Especially in the kitchen and bathroom.

Make your walls MAGNETIC.
Magnektik makes large magnetic panels that are strong enough to hang anything, including shelves and TVs.

A walk-in shower means NO GLASS TO CLEAN.
And they even fit into small bathroom spaces.

A platform in a storage/guestroom hides away all of your stuff while keeping the room usable.
It???s also a great way to make a comfy nook room more functional.

Turn dead space above a staircase into a playroom.

Instead of typical cabinets, build a pull-out cabinet for instant counter space.

Looking for more cool things to include in your home? Checkout this article about

Need More Shoe Storage? Try These Ideas!

Most women love shoes. Most have more shoes than they have places to put them. If this describes you or your wife then you’ve come to the right place. We found this article with a bunch of different ideas on ways to store all of those shoes. We hope it helps!

If you need Hammond dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

One of the most essential things at every home is a shoe storage. Here are some of the most creative and stylish shoe storage that can used at homes to safely store your shoes and make them look good too.

This easy to grab circular shoe storage is very comfortable to stuff your shoes in your rack, as it contain separate cells for each footwear. This white color shoe storage has six layers and you can make one with more layer if required, but the lesser the layers, better for you to maintain and grab your shoes. This white storage is matched according to the light wall color, and you can choose your own color according to the furniture and room color.

The shoe drawers are one of the most convenient and best one to have at home to prevent any dust from entering it and the racks can be pulled out when you are taking out the shoe and closed later on. The top small drawer can be used to store brushes and shoe polishes. This will just enclose the shoes in it so that no one will know that it???s a shoe storage.

Looking for sneaky storage ideas? Checkout this article about sneaky storage that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here:

Building or Renovating a Home? Include These Things!

Building a new home or renovating your existing home is a very fun and stressful time. In order to help you out we found this article with 36 different things to consider putting in your new space. We hope it helps!

If you need Baton Rouge dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

A Built-In TV for the Bathtub

A Glass-Encased Fireplace

A Library Staircase/Slide

A Fridge-Enveloping Pantry

A Compartmentalized Bathtub
For couples that love to bathe together but hate the idea of cross-contamination.

Looking for information on hiring a good contractor? Checkout this article about hiring a good contractor that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here:

Know What Routine Home Maintenance Your Home Needs? Find Out Here!

Homes require TLC if they are going to continue to function to the best of their abilities. In order to help you know what your home needs we found this article with routine home maintenance. We hope it helps!

If you need South Louisiana dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Your home may be the biggest investment you will ever make. Taking good care of it with regular maintenance is necessary to preserve its value and ensure it will provide a comfortable, safe shelter for you and your family for years to come.

Maintenance Inside the Home
Air Filters
Many types of heating and air conditioning systems contain filters to remove dirt and dust from the air. Check the instruction book or search online by model number: In many cases, the home owner should change filters at least every three months.

It’s also a good idea to clean your faucet’s aerator ??? which is the spring inside the end of the faucet ??? every three to four months.
To maintain your garbage disposal, you should run cold water through it during use.

When you’re ready to use your fireplace, be sure to build the fire on the andirons or grate, never on the fireplace floor.
To prevent soot and to add color to the fire, throw in a handful of salt.

Store your firewood outside, away from the house and not directly on the ground.
Have a CSIA-Certified chimney sweep inspect your chimney and fireplace annually, especially if you build a lot of fires in the winter.

To maintain unpainted concrete floors in your basement or garage, first apply a concrete sealer, which makes them easier to clean. When you’re ready to clean them, use a solution of four to six tablespoons of washing soda in a gallon of hot water. Add scouring powder to the solution for tough jobs.

For hardwood, be sure the floors have a polyurethane finish before cleaning with water. Hardwood floors that do not have a polyurethane finish will need to be waxed periodically. Use liquid or paste “spirit” wax.
The best polish for vinyl floors in water emulsion wax.

Masonry walls sometimes develop a white powdery substance. This is called efflorescence, a crystallized soluble salt that can be removed by scrubbing with water and a stiff brush.

Safety and Security
If you have a home security system, regularly check the alarms and circuit breakers to ensure they are in working order. Inspect the sensors one by one.

The batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should also be checked twice a year to ensure they are operable. Hard-wired and battery-powered detectors should be replaced every 10 years.

Maintenance Outside the Home
Roof, Gutters and Downspouts
A qualified roofer should inspect your roof every three years. Skylights should also be inspected each time your roof is inspected so leaks don’t develop from cracks and interruptions around the seals, caulking and flashings.

Make sure that gutters and downspouts do not get clogged with leaves or other objects.

Windows and Doors
Inspect exterior windows and doors yearly to see if the caulking around them has split and cracked. If so, replace the caulk and clean any mildew.

For a simple solution to wash extremely dirty exterior windows, combine equal parts vinegar and water or three tablespoons of denatured alcohol per quart of warm water. Use a piece of crumbled newspaper to wash the glass to avoid lint left behind by paper towels.
To help a window slide easily, rub the channel with a piece of parrafin.

Inspect your siding yearly to determine if your wood-sided home needs to be repainted. Trim shrubbery away so that it does not touch the siding.

The exterior of your house is built to withstand exposure to the elements, but a periodic cleaning will improve the appearance and, in many instances, prolong the life of siding and other exterior products.

The moving parts of garage doors should be oiled every three months.

Looking for winter home maintenance tips? Checkout this article about winter home maintenance tips that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here:

Looking to Organize Your Kitchen? Try These Ideas!

Kitchens are the heartbeat of the home. It’s where the family gathers multiple times a day. As a result it can be difficult to keep it organized. IN order to help you out we found this article with many different ideas for you. We hope they help!

If you need Hammond dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

The kitchen is the heart of our home, which means that everything feels a little off when it???s messy.

I feel happier and more peaceful when our counters are clean and the sink is empty, but that???s only possible if everything???s organized and has a designated space. Here are some of the most inspirational organizing posts I???ve come across lately.

From the refrigerator to using what would otherwise be wasted space in the pantry, these posts have it all covered and are great inspiration for creating an organized kitchen.

Looking for kitchen storage ideas? Checkout this article about kitchen storage ideas that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here:

Looking for More Closet Organization Ideas? Take a Look at These!

We’ve talked about closets before but that’s only because it’s such a needed topic. Each person’s needs are different and the space they have to organize their things in also varies. We hope this article gives you even more ideas on how to organize your closet!

If you need Apartment complex dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Last year when I started blogging, one of my goal was to get my super unorganized life organized.

Did it happened?

Of course not!

I have lots of great and big plans and I am hoping that I will keep them going throughout the year.

My only wish for Christmas was a new closet.


My closet is a mess.

Have to much clothes that I don???t even touch. Some of them even have their tags on..ouch.

I round up some great ideas to have a good start with my closet organization.

I have way too much scarfs and this would be a great hanger for them.

I like these big baskets to hold different closet items.

All my jewelry is out in my bedroom currently and I definitely want to move them into my closet.

Looking for more closet organization ideas? Checkout this article about closet organization ideas that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here:

Debating Between Having Your Children Share a Room Or Not? Decide After Reading This!

Having children share a room is sometimes a necessity. Sometimes it just works better for the children involved to be together. There are pros and cons of having children share a room though. To help you weigh them out we found this article with more information. We hope it helps you make the best decision for your family!

If you need Apartment complex dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

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So, To Share or Not to Share a Bedroom?
There is absolutely no right or wrong answer to this question. Each family is so different with many factors to consider, primarily age gap, but for OUR family, it???s not even a question.

For those of you feeling that comparison pull or that slight wondering if somehow your children will resent you for not giving them an option, know that for the last eighteen years, our children have shared a room by our choice and I don???t have one regret.

Benefits of Siblings Sharing a Bedroom
Siblings as Best Friends
We often get asked how our kids are so close and one of my number one indicators points back to them sharing a room. Since they???ve been little, we???ve instilled in them that their sibling are their best friends. Their siblings are the ones to turn to when life gets hard. Family will always be there for you, but friends come and go. It???s about elevating the covenant of family relationships no matter what happens.

Learning to Share
Somewhere along the line, parents have bought into the lie that kids must all have their own, cool things, and that we must load them up on gifts and more stuff to line their closets. Not true! When sharing a room, you learn to share nearly everything. It???s up to us as parents to train out of them the ???Me first??? mentality and there???s no quicker way than making them share a room.

When they were little, they all had 1-2 special toys or items that were there own, but the rest of the toys were for the family. Most gifts were ???For the Boys, or ???For the Girls.???

Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution
Sharing a room offers plenty of opportunity to learn to work together, solve problems and resolve conflict. Now trust me, this has both enormous benefits, as well as stressful moments. Life is not always, ???oh sure, I???ll pick up that shirt because it???s mine.??? As they got older, there were war zone moments, but we are committed to conflict resolution and understanding the power of an apology. Letting the sun set on your anger is not an option in our family and talking it through was a critical priority.

Downfalls of Sharing a Bedroom (and how we dealt with it)
Opposite Personalities
That would be our girls. At fourteen and ten, this is the most challenging time we???ve had with room sharing. Our eldest is a Type A, very orderly and organized young lady, where as our youngest is carefree and creative. Order is not her first priority, but with a sister that bosses you into submission, you can bet that she has learned to pick up her things. As a mom, it???s a blessing in disguise and while I need to train our 14 year old into approaching her sister with more grace and asking politely, instead of ordering, she???s developing discipline based on the role model of her oldest sister and that is a joy!

They Need Their Own Space
Again, our girls. It???s very important that each girl have their own personal space, (where as our boys did not care, so each situation is different.) We???ve identified areas for them to do this by giving each their own closet, dresser and ???creative??? space. They also have a wall to decorate. I step back from this ???creative??? process and while there are times, I try to steer our ten year old in a certain direction, she pretty much reminds me, ???Mom, you said I could do this how every I want.??? Zing! Yep, I did.

Age Gap
The biggest age gap we have is between the two girls and that just under four years. As one is a teen, that???s a challenge and I can understand how a large age gap might not work in one room.

Even though our boys are close in age, a downfall we did have in their teen years began when one child became more defiant towards me and made some poor choices. The older children should be modeling and helping the younger ones grow in maturity, so when that is the precedent, it truly affects everyone in the house, especially those with which he???s sharing a room.

Sharing a room is a great option and it???s been the best choice for our family, but it???s not for everyone.

No one understands your family dynamics better than you, and there may be circumstances that don???t lend itself towards sharing a room.

That is your decision to make, but never, ever, feel that by not giving your child their own room, you are somehow short changing them. You are giving them a gift and while they might not see it now, they will have fond memories later on of slumber parties that never stopped and stories to share for generations to come.

Looking for a different kind of bunk bed? Checkout this article about bunk bed ideas that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here:

Looking to Create Your Dream Backyard? Try These Ideas!

Backyards are a great place for friends and family to gather. Most backyards are similar with few variations. Depending upon your family’s interests your backyard can be modified to fit your family’s needs and desires. In order to get you thinking we found this article with 20 different amazing backyard ideas. We hope you find some that you and your family will love!

If you need Baton Rouge dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Forget the front porch, white picket fence and curb appeal, the backyard is all that matters in exterior space.

You may think that your backyard has some nice features. Maybe you have a pool, grill, or a nice patio to entertain your friends ??? but does your backyard have a lazy river, observatory or a roller coaster? We didn’t think so.

Backyard observatory.

What is this cushiony wonderland?

A campfire circle of swings perfect for s’mores.

A gnarly full pipe for skating.

A retractable yard/hidden pool.

A poolside bar.

Looking for more amazing backyard ideas? Checkout this article about amazing backyard ideas that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here:

Have Pets? Learn These Genius Kitchen Solutions!

Pets are a wonderful thing. They can help complete a family in ways most people would never dream. They do take up space though with their things and just being under foot. In order to help you out we found this article with 8 different kitchen solutions for your pet. We hope they help!

If you need South Louisiana dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

You love your pets ??? there’s no question about that. But sometimes their stuff can be hard to incorporate into your space. When it comes to food and water bowls, beds, crates, and even kibble storage there are plenty of ways to seamlessly make your furry friends part of your home ??? including the kitchen.

Here are eight genius ways to organize your pet supplies in your kitchen.

Hidden Bowls:

Especially if you don’t leave food down for your pets all day, these hidden food and water bowls will come in handy. Slide them out at meal time and hide them away the rest of the day. (Although, it’s probably best to keep water down all day long.)

Cabinet Bed:
If you’re planning a kitchen remodel, be sure to build in some space for your pup as well. We love this little nook built directly into the cabinet. It’s the coziest way for your dog to feel close to you when you’re in your kitchen.

Built-In Gate:
This built-in gate is a real “why didn’t we think of that” upgrade. It’s perfect for new puppies to keep them penned in to a specific area when you’re cooking and don’t want them underfoot. Or for older dogs when you need to keep them in a specific place when you leave the house.

Looking for kitchen storage solutions? Checkout this article about kitchen storage solutions that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here:

Looking For Ways to Take Your Home Up a Notch? Try These Ideas!

A home can be anything you need or want it to be if you’ve got pockets big enough. In order to help you come up with ideas of what you’d like in your home we found this article with 20 different ideas of things you could include in your home. We hope you find things that you love!

If you need Condo association dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

I think most of us have, at one point or another, fantasized and planned for the day when we win the lottery. Some people plan to splurge on cars, others on boats, and others on worthy causes. Then there are people like us. We already have the budget made, and it’s going into our personal private getaway, AKA The Dream Home. There will be custom bathrooms, walk-in closets just for shoes, and a man-cave to beat all man-caves.

Just in case you don’t already have enough fuel for your fire, here are 20 features you’ll definitely want to remember when you win the millions.

Vacuum kick-plates for easy cleanup.
Note that you don’t actually have to be rich to acquire a central vacuum and some of these bad boys. Start living the dream today, my friend.

A luxurious home theater.
You can’t beat those chairs.

A fully stocked bar.
To make drinks for when your friends are hanging out.

A round stone bath to soak away all of your troubles.
Perfect for a chilly evening.

A dreamy walk-in rain shower.
No glass to clean, and it fits two people. No more fighting for the shower head.

A well designed mudroom.
A mudroom with lots of hooks and storage, along with a sink, will save you lots of cleanup in the long run.

An outdoor firepit.
With lots of seating for friends.

An amazing pool to tie it all together.
That would be a pool, lazy river, and hot tub all in one.

Looking to create an amazing backyard? Checkout this article about amazing backyard ideas that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: