Looking for a New Clothes Dryer? Checkout These Reviews First!

757990835_e4bf7efbcb_bBuying a new clothes dryer is an important decision. No one wants to waste money or have buyer’s regret. In order to avoid both of those scenarios it’s important to make an informed decision. We found this article in Good Housekeeping with product reviews. We hope that it will help you make an informed decision on the best dryer for you and your family!

If you need Hammond homeowners associations cleaning dryer vent services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

They do more than just dry clothes ??? some models can kill germs on often-unwashable items like stuffed animals, and can pinch-hit for an iron to de-wrinkle a crumpled outfit; even entry-level ones sense moisture to tumble items just until dry, saving energy. Here are our top picks. Make your entire laundry day better: Don’t miss our reviews of top washers.

Samsung DV520AEP/XAA


The Samsung DV520AEP/XAA ($1,500) excelled in steam de-wrinkling, smoothing a rumpled acrylic-blend sweater, a washable silk blouse, and cotton khaki pants. It dried our standard loads well, and is very user-friendly ??? the folding lint filter traps and empties neatly.



For a top-loader mate that has steam, consider the LG DLEX5101V ($1,159). It smoothed wrinkles well, and has a cycle that sanitizes unwashables. The GE Profile PTDS650EM0WT (not shown; $749) offers steam for less, and de-creased our cotton dress shirt best. It doesn’t have a control lock.

Looking for more information on dryers? Checkout this article about clothes dryers for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

For all the reviews click here: http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/product-reviews/appliances/dryer-reviews/clothes-dryer-reviews#slide-1

Looking to Winterize Your Home? Try These Ideas!

Attic-insulationIt’s important to winterize your home. Most people know this but not really sure what to do to winterize it. We found this article that we hope will help you determine what to do in order to protect your home. We hope it helps!

If you need Lafayette homeowners associations cleaning dryer vent services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

So you’ve pulled your sweaters out of mothballs and found your mittens at the bottom of the coat closet. But what about your house — is it prepared for the cold months ahead?

You’ll be a lot less comfortable in the coming months if you haven’t girded Home Sweet Home for Old Man Winter.

With the help of several experts, we’ve boiled down your autumn to-do list to 10 easy tips:

Insulate yourself
“Another thing that does cost a little money — but boy, you do get the money back quick — is adding insulation to the existing insulation in the attic,” says Lipford. “Regardless of the climate conditions you live in, in the (U.S.) you need a minimum of 12 inches of insulation in your attic.”

Don’t clutter your brain with R-values or measuring tape, though. Here’s Lipford’s rule of thumb on whether you need to add insulation: “If you go into the attic and you can see the ceiling joists you know you don’t have enough, because a ceiling joist is at most 10 or 11 inches.”

A related tip: If you’re layering insulation atop other insulation, don’t use the kind that has “kraft face” finish (i.e., a paper backing). It acts as a vapor barrier, Lipford explains, and therefore can cause moisture problems in the insulation.

Looking for more information on getting your home ready for winter? Checkout this article about winterizing your home for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

For all the ways click here: http://realestate.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-documentid=13107899

Looking for Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient? Try These Ideas?

98261485_5505bdc5f5_oEveryone likes to save money. Especially around their home which is one of if not the biggest expense in the family budget. We found this article posted by State Farm with 15 different ways to make your home more energy efficient. We hope it helps you save money!

If you need Lafayette condos dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

According to EnergyStar.gov ??? a partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy ??? the typical household spends $2,100 each year to heat, cool, and illuminate their homes. But reducing energy bills doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive.

Up to half of the energy used in your home goes to heating and cooling. By making some smart changes in your energy usage, you can have a big impact on your utility bills

  • Replace furnace air filters often. A dirty air filter can make your furnace work harder and use more energy.
  • Replace the filter every two to three months. Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) or light-emitting diodes (LEDs). CFLs can last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs and use 75% less energy. LED bulbs are mercury-free and may last three to five times as long as CFLs.
  • Insulate water heaters and pipes. Covering your water heater with an insulated water heater blanket can help retain heat, so the unit uses less energy to heat hot water. Foam or rubber pipe insulation keeps cold pipes from sweating in the summer and reduces heat loss from hot-water flow in the winter.
  • Seal doors and windows. Install door sweeps at the bottom of your front and back doors to keep heat from escaping. Remove old window caulk and apply a fresh seal to retain heat in your home.
  • Clean air ducts. Keep your air ducts clean to improve air flow and reduce stress on your furnace and central air conditioner.
  • Upgrade your thermostat. A programmable thermostat can save you over $100 a year on your energy bill.
  • Install low-flow toilets and showerheads. Toilets consume up to 40% of a home’s average water use. Using low-flow toilets can save more than 9,000 gallons of water a year. A low-flow showerhead only uses 1.5 gallons per minute while most conventional showerheads use 5 gallons per minute.

Looking for ways to save money? Checkout this article with money saving ideas for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

For all the ways click here: http://learningcenter.statefarm.com/residence/maintenance/15-ways-to-make-your-home-more-energy-efficient/

Putting Your House on the Market and Wondering if You Should Replace Lighting Fixtures? Find Out Here!

112184936_1d350ed4bd_oPutting your home on the market can be stressful. Not knowing what you should focus on around your home can almost be as stressful. If you’re wondering if you should replace the light fixtures in your home you should read this article originally published in the New York Times and then decide. Hope it helps!

If you need Baton Rouge homeowners associations dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Q. Should I replace my outdated ceiling light fixtures before listing my home for sale?

A. ???When preparing a new listing for marketing, one of the first things I look at is the light fixtures,??? said Rado Varchola, a senior vice president at Nest Seekers International real estate in Manhattan. ???In most cases, it could have a negative impact if the fixtures are dated.???

Ideally, ceiling-mounted fixtures should have a clean, streamlined look, Mr. Varchola said, so buyers do not focus on the wrong things. Dusty fixtures, track lighting and ceiling fans are all generally undesirable, he said, because they reflect choices from earlier decades.

In newly constructed apartment buildings, the main living spaces often do not have electrical wiring for ceiling fixtures.

???They usually only put them in the kitchens and the bathrooms,??? Mr. Varchola said, ???not the bedrooms and living rooms.???

Either way, he added, it???s not the best place to make a big design statement.

Ceiling fixtures can be an asset if you choose ones that are simple and unobtrusive, said Tori Golub, a New York interior designer.

???Ceiling fixtures are great for changing the atmosphere of your space,??? she said. ???But they should be sort of innocuous, blend in with the surroundings and not scream of any particular style.???

Looking to improve the look of your home but don’t have a lot of time? Checkout this article with information on how to improve home on weekends for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/03/garden/should-i-replace-outdated-ceiling-lighting-fixtures.html?ref=realestate&_r=1&

Have a Lot of Home Equity? Not Sure What You Can Do With It? Get Ideas Here!

Ellis-Hampton_House_-_Pendleton_OregonHome equity. We all strive for it but depending upon your long term goals you may or may not have a better use for the money then just letting it sit. We found this article with four different uses that might get your wheels spinning on better uses for the money. We hope it helps!

If you need Lafayette apartments dryer vent cleaner services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Home equity loans can put you well into the black, financially speaking, provided you don’t use the lending strategy as a stepping stone to even more debt.

Home equity money is yours to use as you wish, but most home owners focus on several economic priorities when they cash in on home equity loans.

1. Transform many bills into one
Debt consolidation is by far how most home owners use home equity loans. It can also be the riskiest way to use the home equity loans.
If you’ve racked up bank credit card debt, retail credit debt and other debts, home equity loans can pay them all off leaving you with one monthly bill that’s likely smaller than the others combined. It’s also a good chance the interest rate will be half what you were paying on just one credit card. The rate on home equity loans is cheaper because, unlike credit cards, the debt is secured by your home. Additional debt-cost savings are available because with the consolidation you’ll likely pay off your debt sooner. Along the way you’ll get to deduct the interest, up to the legal limits allowed for home equity loans.

Aside from the savings of home equity loans, a single monthly bill can also improve your cash flow, leaving you with more disposable income to save or invest. And over time, the single monthly payment also improves your credit profile, revealing to lenders that you are a less risky borrower who isn’t over burdened by debt.
However, the need for home equity loans could indicate a credit habit the home equity fix might only exacerbate. Homeowners should consider how to prevent themselves from scoring more credit before securing home equity loans.

Don’t just pay off your old debts, cut up all but one card for emergencies and consider debt counseling to learn how to budget your income.
Be sure to write a letter to your creditors telling them to close your accounts so you can’t get at them and your credit report doesn’t show you’ve got unused credit you can still tap.

If there’s a difference between what you were paying each month on all your debts and the home equity loan’s payment, save it and learn to use cash where possible.
Do not take on additional debt while the home equity loan is still outstanding.

Looking to remodel your kitchen? Checkout this article with kitchen remodel ideas for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

For all the uses click here: http://www.realtor.com/home-finance/home-equity/4-great-uses-of-home-equity-loan.aspx

Learn How to Prepare Your Home For Winter Here!

4399719294_1a3b2928d4_oMaintaining your home and doing things to avoid damage to your home is very important. Depending upon where you live preparing your home for winter is vitally important. If you’re not sure what to do then you’ve come to the right place. We hope this article will help you prepare your home for winter!

If you need Lafayette condos vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Give your home a once-over and tend to winter preparation tasks and repairs before the year???s first frost. ???Getting the exterior of the home ready for the cold winds, snow and ice is critical for keeping Old Man Winter out and keeping it warm and toasty inside,??? says Reggie Marston, president of Residential Equity Management Home Inspections in Springfield, VA. By being proactive, you???ll lower your energy bills, increase the efficiency and lifespan of your home???s components, and make your property safer.

Windows and Doors

  • Check all the weatherstripping around windows and doorframes for leaks to prevent heat loss. Replace weatherstripping, if necessary.
  • Replace all screen doors with storm doors.
  • Replace all window screens with storm windows.
  • Examine wooden window frames for signs of rot or decay. Repair or replace framing to maintain structural integrity.
  • Check for drafts around windows and doors. Caulk inside and out, where necessary, to keep heat from escaping.
  • Inspect windows for cracks, broken glass, or gaps. Repair or replace, if needed.

Need to fix things around your home but don’t want to spend a lot of money? Checkout this article about cheap house fixes for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

For all the ways click here: http://www.bobvila.com/articles/502-winter-preparation-checklist/

Looking for Sneaky Storage Ideas? Start Here!

2255448059_cc50c24f65_oStorage. If your home is like most people’s home then there isn’t enough of it. Depending on the size of your home you have to get pretty creative with storage solutions. If you could use a little help in that department then you’ve come to the right place. We found this article that we hope will give you some ideas on how to increase the amount of storage in your home!

If you need Lafayette townhomes dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

A built-in tub surround typically provides enough space to house tilt-out storage for extra cleaning sponges, shampoo, and soap. Stash your favorite bubbles here, so the kids (and guests) don???t get to them.


No one would ever expect a wall safe to look like an electrical outlet. This hidden mini vault is big enough to secure valuables such as rings, credit cards, and cash.


Looking for storage ideas in the laundry room? Checkout this article with storage solutions laundry room for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

For all the ideas click here: http://www.bobvila.com/use-every-inch/12281-11-sneaky-storage-ideas/slideshows#!1

Want to Raise an Optimistic Child? Follow These Tips!

Lucky_child Having an optimistic child is such a blessing, but how do you get one? We found this article with five different tips for raising optimistic children. We hope that it will help you get the children you want!

If you need Baton Rouge apartment associations dryer vent services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Model optimism:
Have you ever been stuck in terrible traffic on the way to an important appointment and found yourself muttering, ???We will never get there in time???? Or maybe you???ve circled the parking lot twenty times and finally declared that you will never find a spot. If your kids are with you, chances are they???ve heard your negative thoughts.

Kids internalize what we model for them. And although it can be exhausting to be ???on??? at all times, that???s simply part of parenting.

Reframe your own thoughts, even if you???ve already blurted out something negative, and show your kids that you rely on positive thinking, too. Think out loud when you???re working through something difficult so that your kids see that reaching a positive outcome is a process, and doesn???t always happen in an instant.

Looking for family fun in Baton Rouge? Checkout this article with family fun in Baton Rouge for busy parents that could be of interest to you.

Read all the tips here: http://www.everydayfamily.com/blog/5-tips-for-raising-optimists/?internallink=blogtopslider

Information on After School Snacks

Red_AppleKids eat a lot. Afternoon snacks are no exception. Do you know how important it is though? We found this article from Kids Health that we hope will help you make important decisions regarding your children’s after school snacks!

If you need Baton Rouge apartments dryer vent services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Do your kids come in from school and make a beeline to the kitchen looking for something to eat? If so, how can you can make sure they enjoy a snack while still saving room for a healthy dinner?

Kids need less frequent snacks as they get older, but it’s not surprising that most are hungry after school. Many kids eat lunch early ??? 11:30 or even before ??? and then have an afternoon of classes and maybe even an after-school activity before their next chance to eat. It’s no wonder the snack food vending machine looks so appealing at the end of the day.

Depending on a child’s age and after-school routine, parents might not always be able to control what their kids eat in the late afternoon. But don’t throw in the towel just yet. These steps can guide kids to good after-school snacks that will be satisfying and still leave room for a nutritious dinner.

Figure Out the Timing
Put yourself in your kids’ shoes and consider their eating schedules on a normal weekday. Some younger kids may have a mid-morning snack, but most older school-age kids won’t. Find out: When is lunchtime? What and how much do they eat at lunch? Do they ever skip lunch? Does the after-school program serve snacks? This will help you figure out how hungry your kids will be when they get home.

Looking for yummy pumpkin recipes? Checkout this article about pumpkin desserts for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_center/healthy_eating/afterschool_snacks.html#

Learn How to Separate Fact and Fiction When it Comes to Happiness!

Happy WomanHappiness. Everyone wants it but how to get it means different things for different people. We found this article published on WebMD about happiness in order to help you separate fact from fiction in order to find your version of happiness!

If you need Baton Rouge condos dryer vent cleaning services services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

If you’d like to have more joy in your life ??? and who wouldn’t? — the first step may be to change your views about what happiness really is. See what experts have to say about common myths about happiness that may actually be holding you back.

Myth 1: Either you have it or you don’t.
Say you have two kids you’ve raised just the same, but they have opposite personalities — one sour, the other sunny. This makes it hard to dispute the fact that genes play a powerful role in each person’s happiness. And there’s evidence that suggests genetics contributes to about 50% of your happiness “set point” — the level of happiness that seems most normal for you.

But that’s a far cry from 100%, says Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD, author of The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want and professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside.

“If you do the work,” Lyubomirsky says, “research shows you can become happier, no matter what your set point is. You probably won’t go from a one to a 10, but you can become happier. It just takes commitment and effort as with any meaningful goal in life.”

Not only can you become happier, she says, but it gets easier over time. Work on nurturing relationships, writing in a gratitude journal, committing random acts of kindness, or developing a program of morning meditation or exercise. Changes like these — proven methods for enhancing happiness — can become habits after a while, which means they eventually take less effort.

Looking for ways to better balance your work and life? Checkout this article with tips for work and life balance for busy parents that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/happiness-6-myths-and-truths