Want an Organized Home? Try These Tips!

2104574632_66ddc49342_oWould you like an organized home? Not sure where to start? Start here! We found this article from Better Homes and Gardens with 32 tips for having a more organized home. We’re sure with that many tips that you will find some that will fit you and your family!

If you need Baton Rouge condos dryer vent services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Storage Inside
The doors on the taller unit open to reveal shoe storage, and the shallow top drawer is ideal for corralling dog leashes, battery remotes, and other small items.

Jewelry Storage
A dresser stores Jen’s husband’s socks and ties, and the space above the dresser displays her jewelry on a fabric-covered corkboard and a metal vent cover.

Reading Time
Basic wood spice racks get coats of glossy red paint to become shelves for picture books in the boys’ room.

Looking to decorate your home? Checkout this article about actual cost to decorate home for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read all the tips here: http://www.bhg.com/decorating/storage/organization-basics/organized-home/

In the Market for a Clothes Dryer? Be Informed and Make a Smart Decision!

Modern_front_load_tumble_dryerBuying a new clothes dryer is a big purchase. The last thing you want to do is get buyer’s regret from not having enough information before making the purchase. We found this article from Good Housekeeping that we know will help you make the best decision for you and your family.

If you need Baton Rouge dryer townhomes vent cleaning services services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

What types of clothes dryers are available?
The major difference in dryers is how they’re powered ??? either by natural gas or electricity. Although you won’t notice a difference in how thoroughly they dry, there are price differences. A gas dryer costs roughly $50-$100 more than its electric sibling. But a gas unit is generally less expensive to operate and will often pay back its higher cost in energy savings within the first year (depending on usage and utility rates). In addition, dryers that offer steam cycles to de-wrinkle and freshen garments have become popular in the last few years. If you select a dryer with this feature, it may be necessary to have access to a water hook-up, as well.

What are the key questions to ask when selecting a clothes dryer?
How often do you use your dryer and what type of clothes do you dry weekly? If you have a family of four or more and regularly tackle jeans, sneakers, and heavy work clothes, you may prefer a large, heavy-duty dryer and one that offers a long warranty. If your wash load contains a wide variety of fabrics and garments, look for a dryer with the specialty cycles to give these items the care they require.

Where is your dryer located? If your clothes dryer will be installed in a dimly lit basement, look for a console that includes indicator lights and has large, legible type or a bright digital readout. Always consider how your dryer will be vented to the outside. Make sure the model you select can be vented in the direction your installation requires.

Looking for ways to maintain your washer? Checkout this article about maintain washing machine for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/product-reviews/appliances/dryer-reviews/clothes-dryer-faqs

Love Pumpkin Recipes? Try These Mouthwatering Desserts!

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAWith fall right around the corner it’s time to try some yummy pumpkin recipes! We found this article by Country Living that has 16 yummy pumpkin desserts for you to try. We are sure that you and your family will love them! Enjoy!!

If you need Baton Rouge apartment associations vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Chocolate Pumpkin Cake
Good vanilla makes a big difference in taste, but it is pricey. To avoid waste while making this cake, measure over a small, clean dish to catch any spillover.

Pumpkin Recipes for Baton Rouge Families!

Pumpkin Spice Cake
Layers of cake cushioned with Pumpkin Cream-Cheese Frosting create a lasting impression even before you take the first bite. One taste of this moist cake and creamy icing, and the traditional pumpkin pie may have to make room on the sideboard for a new holiday favorite.


Looking for family fun here at home? Checkout this article about family fun in Baton Rouge that could be of interest to you.

For all the recipe ideas click here: http://www.countryliving.com/cooking/pumpkin-dessert-recipes?click=smart&kw=ist&src=smart&mag=GHK&link=

Concerned About Tiny Earthquakes Here? You Should Be!

5475631631_748a21c09f_oTiny earthquakes, called Frackings, can happen anywhere. We found this article describing that 1,000 minor earthquakes happened in Arkansas between 2010 and 2011. Regardless of the size of earthquake you should be concerned about the damage that they can cause to your home. We hope this article will help protect you and your home in the future.

If you need Baton Rouge homeowners associations dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Seismologists at the U.S. Geological Survey say the disposal of millions of gallons of wastewater flowback as part of the fracking process can create “micro earthquakes,” which are rarely felt, and also the rare larger seismic disruption. Scientists say that’s what happened in Greenbrier, Arkansas, where the quakes damaged homes.

Yesterday, five local residents settled for an undisclosed sum of money after suing two oil companies. Those five residents aren’t the only ones suing Chesapeake Energy and BHP Billiton. Twenty other residents are expecting to file lawsuits in Arkansas state court, according to Reuters.

Some 40 fracking-related civil lawsuits in eight different states have been filed since 2009, with claims varying from groundwater contamination to air pollution to excessive noise. None have gone to trial so far, and nearly half have been either dismissed or settled. Similar suits are still pending against the two oil companies, but lawyers on those cases tell Reuters those are also expected to reach settlements.

Mary Mahan points to a crack in the floor tile of her home that was a result of an earthquake in Wooster, Arkansas, August 5, 2013. The Mahan’s home sustained damage after an earthquake in February 2011. (REUTERS/Jim Young)

Looking for ways to maintain your home? Checkout this article about maintaining your home for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.theatlanticcities.com/neighborhoods/2013/08/see-what-1000-fracking-caused-earthquakes-can-do-home/6712/

Looking to Learn How to Speed Clean? Learn How Here!

CleanDo you feel like cleaning your home during the summer? If you’re like most of us then the answer is probably no. You’d rather be outside or spending quality time with your family. We found this article on speed cleaning that we hope will help you maintain your home while not spending a lot of time cleaning your home!

If you need Denham Springs apartments vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Here are my favorite speed cleaning tips for fast and efficient housekeeping!

1. Get your daily routines down.
If I keep up with my basic routines, things don???t get so out of control in the first place. My house will stay clean enough! Trust me on this, cleaning routines will change your life.

Try my 4 Daily Routines or make up your own! The important thing is that you get yourself in a simple rhythm of daily upkeep of your home. Once you do, all the other necessary homemaking tasks will not seem so overwhelming or take so long in a day. This is so important!

2. Dress for success!
Want to fly through your cleaning routine? What you wear just might affect the efficiency in which you clean! I certainly find that to be true. I actually do not clean well in my PJs. Sorry to disappoint you PJ loving people, but it just doesn???t work for me. My clothes tell me what I can accomplish. PJs and slippers tell me to be lazy and slow and maybe even crawl back in bed. I can do a quick load of laundry while still in my PJs, but anything else and I am good for nothing.

Shoes and clothes tell me it is time to get down to business and start the day. Too nice of clothes tell me I shouldn???t clean at all. Aprons tell me it is OK to tackle a quick cleaning job no matter what I???m wearing.

Moral of this story, I find I need to be dressed appropriately for cleaning or wear an apron in order to be efficient. Try it. Get dressed and I bet you???ll be more efficient. I dare you.

Looking for spring cleaning help? Checkout this article about spring cleaning for busy parents that could be of interest to you.

Click here to read all of the tips: http://theinspiredroom.net/2012/06/04/speed-cleaning-tips-for-fast-efficient-housekeeping/

Homeowner’s Insurance and Mold

Mold 2Mold is something that nobody wants in their home. Sometimes it gets in though without us realizing or after a flood. Whatever the reason that the mold is there it’s important to get rid of it. If you have it though you’re probably wondering if it’s covered with your homeowner’s insurance. We found this article to answer just this question!

If you need a Lafayette condos vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Mold strikes fear into the hearts of those who???ve heard horror stories about toxic mold, expensive mold remediation, and denied home owners insurance claims. Yet mold can be found anywhere, including in most homes. It???s usually harmless.

Mold and home owners insurance
Most basic home owners insurance policies exclude coverage of damage caused by mold, fungi, and bacteria, says Mark Ferguson, property claim specialist with General Casualty Insurance in Sun Prairie, Wis. Yet that doesn???t mean a mold claim will be denied automatically.

In most cases, if mold results from a sudden and accidental covered peril, such as a pipe bursting, the cost of remediation should be covered, says Ferguson. That???s because technically the pipe burst is the reason for the claim, not the mold itself. Claims are more likely to be rejected if mold is caused by neglected home maintenance: long-term exposure to humidity, or repeated water leaks and seepage.

It???s hard to put a precise dollar figure on mold damage because most insurers don???t separate mold claims from water-damage claims, says Claire Wilkinson of the Insurance Information Institute. About 22% of all home owners insurance claims result from ???water damage and freezing,??? a category that includes mold remediation, according to the III. A 2003 white paper on mold from the III put the cost of the average mold claim between $15,000 and $30,000, at least five times the average non-mold home owners claim at that time.

After a rush of mold claims in the early 2000s, most states adopted limitations on mold coverage. Amounts vary, but a typical home owners policy might cover between $1,000 and $10,000 in mold remediation and repair, says Celia Santana of Personal Risk Management Solutions in New York. Most policies won???t cover mold related to flood damage. For that, home owners need separate flood insurance, which averages $540 per year through the National Flood Insurance Program.

Have more questions about mold? Checkout this article about mold for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.houselogic.com/home-advice/home-insurance/homeowners-insurance-mold-covered/#ixzz2al89GsMw

Prevent Injury With Fire Safety

House Fire 3Preventing injury from fire is very important but it’s even more important if you have kids since they don’t have the common sense that adults have. We found this article that we hope will provide a training tool for you and your children. We also hope that it will help prevent any fire injury in your home.

If you need Denham Springs townhomes vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Electrical Appliances, Cords, and Outlets

  • Are your electrical appliances in good condition, without loose or frayed cords or plugs?
  • Are your outlets overloaded with plugs from the TV, computer, printer, video game system, and stereo?
  • Are you overusing an extension cord?
  • Do the light fixtures in your home use bulbs that are the correct wattage?
  • Does your home contain GFCIs (ground fault circuit interrupters) and/or AFCIs (arc fault circuit interrupters), which prevent electrical shock and fire by shutting off faulty circuits?

Look around your house for potential problems. And unless you’re a trained electrician, be careful about do-it-yourself electrical projects. Studies have shown that many home fires are caused by improper installation of electrical devices.

Interested in more household safety tips? Checkout this article about household safety for homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Click here to read all the tips: http://kidshealth.org/parent/firstaid_safe/home/fire.html

Mold 101

MoldMold can be scary if you don’t know much about it. We found this article with a TON of information on mold. We know that it will help you in gaining more understanding about mold.

If you need Hammond apartment associations vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Facts about Mold

  1. What exactly is mold? Molds are living microorganisms and forms of fungi like yeasts and mushrooms. Now that we have a basic definition of mold, lets start debunking some common mold myths!
  2. Most of the information you find in the media and internet on ???Black Mold??? is completely bogus and horribly misleading. The fact is that the color of the mold as it appears to the naked eye cannot tell you anything about whether its toxic or not. This brings us to point #3:
  3. With over 100,000 species, mold comes in about any size, shape, and color you can think of, making it virtually impossible to tell what type of mold you have without a microscope.
  4. While there are over 100,000 species of mold, the good news is that you do NOT need to know what kind of mold you have to eliminate mold growth. All mold is treated in the same way. Since mold is a living organism, it requires food and water to survive. But controlling mold by eliminating food sources is very difficult since mold can feed off building materials, and the tiniest of organic matter like dirt, dust and debris. Thus the best way to eliminate mold problems is to eliminate water problems.
  5. Eliminating mold problems is important because the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that we spend 90 percent of our time indoors, and that the air we breathe indoors is more polluted than the outdoor air. So indoor air quality matters a lot to our health.

Interested in maintaining your home this summer? Checkout this article with more information about summer maintenance for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read all the facts and information here: http://www.moldmanusa.com/106-tips-about-mold-mold-remediation-mold-removal-mold-testing-and-mold-prevention

Have a Flood? Learn How to Clean it Up Here

Flooded HouseHaving a flood is nerve racking. Not knowing what to do about it and how to clean it up is even worse. We found this article released by the City of Milwaukee with information about how to clean up after a flood. We hope that you never need this information but should you need it we hope it helps.

If you need Denham Springs apartments vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:


  • Floodwater may be contaminated with sewage and should be treated as such.
  • Minimize skin exposure by wearing rubber boots and rubber gloves during clean up.
  • There is a hazard in utilizing electrical equipment (i.e. sump pumps, furnace motors, etc.), which is wet. It can produce severe shocks and endanger human life as well as burn out the equipment. Make sure all electrical equipment is dry before use
  • Check gas and oil furnaces as well as gas hot water heaters for escaping gas and ensure that pilot flames are lit. If gas is escaping, do not light a match until the gas supply has been shut off. If you are unfamiliar with this procedure, contact your local gas company or a professional heating contractor.
  • The area may be extremely slippery. Walk Carefully.

Interested about someone else’s experience with a flooded laundry room? Checkout this article about flooded washer horror story for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

For all of the tips click here: http://city.milwaukee.gov/Flood-Clean-up

Learn Why You Should Do A Home Inventory Here

Living RoomThought about doing a home inventory but wasn’t sure if it was necessary? Home inventories should be done for a variety of reasons. We found this article that we hope will help you prepare if the worst should happen.

If you need Denham Springs condos vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

If your home is struck by a burglary, fire, flood, earthquake, or other disaster, one of the first questions you will be asked is, “What property was lost, destroyed, or stolen?” It’s almost impossible to pull up such information out of your brain on a good day — and it’s twice as hard in the aftermath of a traumatic event.

This is one of those tasks that is easy to say one will do “tomorrow.” But do it today. Being able to pull out an up-to-date home inventory will make it hugely easier to deal with police and your insurance company.

Fortunately, making a home inventory isn’t onerous, and might actually prompt you to prevent the loss itself. As you inventory your possessions, you’ll become more aware of their vulnerability, and can take steps to secure them.

Start by walking through your house with a pad of paper and a still or video camera. Jot down a list of any items worth more than $50 or so and take pictures of them. Go room by room, and don’t forget the garage, attic, and basement. Be sure to include jewelry, clothing and shoes, stamp or coin collections, CD and record collections, silver, tools, and electronic equipment.

Looking to renovate your home and increase the value of it? Checkout this article about boosting resale value for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/preparing-home-inventory-case-your-property-gets-damaged-stolen.html