Want to Live in a Small Home? Checkout This Idea!

Living in a smaller home is growing in appeal as people are trying to be more green. We found this article all about a home that is 200 square feet. We hope it gives you some ideas for your next house!

If you need Hammond dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Step into an alleyway in the Northeast Washington neighborhood known as Stronghold, and you will see a vegetable patch, a campfire, a view of the Capitol and a cluster of what neighbors call ???those tiny people, building their tiny houses.???


The people aren???t really tiny, but their homes are ??? 150 to 200 square feet of living space, some with gabled roofs, others with bright cedar walls, compact bathrooms and cozy sleeping lofts that add up to living spaces that are smaller than the walk-in closets in a suburban McMansion.

???This is the dream,??? says Rin Westcott, 28, who lives in Columbia and came out on a wintry Saturday afternoon bundled in a flower hat to help her friend Lee Pera with a tiny-house raising.

Pera, 35, wore safety goggles as she treated the cedar boards of her ???little house in the alleyway,??? one of three under construction in what is thought to be one of the country???s first tiny-house model communities.

If these affordable homes ??? which maximize every inch of interior space and look a little like well-constructed playhouses ??? are the dream, they represent a radically fresh version of what it takes to make Americans happy.

The small homes, some on wheels, don???t warrant many trips to the Container Store. There are no kitchen islands, three-car garages or living rooms that are never lived in. In fact, their increasing popularity could be seen as a denunciation of conspicuous consumption and a rejection of the idea that more is, well, more.

Interested in a smart thermostat? Then checkout this article with smart thermostat that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/home-squeezed-home-living-in-a-200-square-foot-space/2012/11/27/e1a02858-2f35-11e2-ac4a-33b8b41fb531_story.html

Want to Know the Truth Behind Facts That You Believe That Aren’t? Check Them Out Here!

It can be fun to test our knowledge and correct it when it’s wrong. We found this article with 10 different things that most people believe are facts that are actually not true at all. To learn the truth keep reading and share with friends!

If you need Hammond dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

From geography to physiology, there are many examples of people collectively doing it wrong by learning fiction as truth. Here are 10 of the biggest errors walking around masquerading as well-known facts.

Mother Birds Will Abandon Babies if You Touch Them.
Baby birds usually don’t leave the nest until they’re ready (or at least readyish) to fly. But, just like how well you drove during your very first driving lesson, they typically stink at flying at first. So needless to say, they suffer a few false starts and end up on the ground, whining like a teenager who wants the keys but hasn’t completely got the hang of which is the gas and which is the brake.

As for the scent issue ??? birds just don’t smell too well. A few species are an exception, but chances are vastly greater that the little chirping ball of fluff won’t suffer if you need to move it to the other side of the fence from where your dog plays. Plus, its parents have invested way too much time and energy raising it to just scoot off at the first opportunity, no matter how the little guy smells.

Deoxygenated Blood Is Blue.
Once your blood has stopped by the bank (your lungs) and picked up a withdrawal of cash monies (oxygen) it’s flush with greenbacks (bright red blood). Once it’s spent a night on the town (circulated through your body), it returns with a massive hangover (the blood has turned dark red) and it goes to curl up on the couch (take another pass through the heart).

Basically, the veins are blue thanks to a trick of the light, not the color of what’s inside them.

Humans Have Five Senses.
We hear what you’re saying. We see your point of view. We feel your pain. Also, you smell bad and possibly taste funny, the latter of which we don’t intend to test.

But if you believe these are the only five ways you can detect information about your environment or alterations to your person, we’re going to punch you in the face. There. Boom. You will feel it thanks to nociception, the ability to sense pain.

Looking for ways to make your child a better problem solver? Then checkout this article about teaching kids problem solving that could be of interest to you.

For all the non-facts click here: http://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/everyday-myths/10-false-facts.htm

Checkout These Foods That are Supposedly Healthier Than a Snickers Bar but Aren’t!

Everyone knows that candy bars are bad for them because of the sugar. Most of us still indulge in them occasionally. Most of us though probably consume more of the things on this list than candy bars thinking they are healthier for us. Check it out then make your own decision!

If you need Hammond dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

A regular-sized Snickers bar contains 27 grams of sugar (the equivalent of 7 teaspoons).

Odwalla Original Superfood Drink: 37 grams sugar
Where the sugar comes from: apple juice, peach, mango, strawberry, and banana purees
Sure, the sugar comes from fruit juices and purees, but it???s still sugar. ???The only benefit that one source of sugar has over another is what a food contains in addition to sugar,??? says James. ???So, yes, fruit juice has vitamins and minerals in addition to sugar. But, from a blood-sugar perspective and a weight-gain perspective, the sugar in juice is identical to the sugar in candy.??? Yikes. Amy Shapiro, M.S., R.D., of Real Nutrition NYC, is wary of fruit juice, as well: ???It adds calories to your day, because research shows that calories we drink don???t actually prevent us from being hungry later.??? You???re better off eating real fruit, which contains fiber that keeps you fuller longer.

IHOP Whole Wheat Pancakes with Banana (four pancakes, no syrup): 32 grams sugar
Where the sugar comes from: sugar, bananas
Don???t be fooled by marketing lingo. ???People think that ???whole wheat??? products are so much healthier,??? says James. ???But generally, they have the same number of carbs [as refined flour products], which all get converted into sugar. Maybe there are a couple of grams of fiber, but not much.??? Instead of trying to be healthy by ordering a big stack of whole wheat pancakes with fruit (all sugary carbs, no filling fat or protein), just order a smaller stack of two buttermilk pancakes, with two eggs (9 grams sugar). The protein from the eggs will hold you over until lunch.

Need some help when it comes to kids and sugar? Checkout this article with kids and sugar that could be of interest to you.

For all the foods click here: http://www.buzzfeed.com/christinebyrne/supposedly-healthy-foods-with-more-sugar-than-a-snickers

Do Your Kids Have a Hard Time With Bedtime? Try These Ideas to Make it Go Easier!

8547721941_d19bbb8d3b_hMost kids hate bedtime. They never want the fun to end so they go and go until they just collapse. If your kids make bedtime especially difficult then you’ve come to the right place. We found this article with 8 fun games to try with your kids to make bedtime easier. We hope it helps!

If you need Hammond apartment associations dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

Who says bedtime has to be a struggle? With these eight ideas, you can disguise your get-them-to-sleep agenda in a cloak of fun, squeeze in precious family time (even during the week!), and lead everyone from a relaxing evening to sweet dreams. Just turn the page, and let the hoopla begin!

The Pajama Walk
Fresh air can be invigorating for you at the same time that it’s exhausting for your child; in other words, a perfect before-bedtime combo. Susan Reichert of Euclid, OH, has been walking with her son in the evenings since babyhood, in all but the most frigid conditions. Over the years, Connor has progressed from cooing in his stroller to riding his bike while Mom and Dad walk briskly alongside him. “It’s a great way for my husband and me to talk, and for Connor to get some exercise,” she says. My own family’s nightly strolls were so much a part of our evening that if the hour was late and the walk looked threatened, my youngest would consent to getting completely ready for bed, then being pulled in a blanket-cushioned wagon in her pj’s while we all talked about our day.

Lookout Point
Your kids may appreciate a change of bedtime scene, and there’s a good chance you will, too. Get your little guys bathed and dressed in their pajamas, with teeth brushed, and load them into the car with a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, coat (depending on the season), and slippers. Then drive to the widest, highest point within reasonable distance of your home and indulge in a little family parking. Watch the sun go down or the lights of the city come on, look for constellations, snuggle, and wish the rest of the world good night. You may even want to bring along a few good books to read (and a flashlight if it’s already dark).

Toy Scavenger Hunt
At the end of the day, nagging about left-out toys is as tiring as it is ineffective. Instead, do a quick survey of what needs picking up. Then announce a scavenger hunt and arm your kids with baskets or bags. Tell the players — who need only be old enough to walk — which items to search for, calling them out one by one. At the end of the scavenger hunt, players have to put the items away in the correct places (young kids will, of course, need some help). If everyone cooperates, you might provide a little prize, such as an extra story.

Want to raise an optimistic child? Checkout this article about how to raise an optimistic child for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

For all the games click here: http://www.parenting.com/article/8-fun-games-to-end-bedtime-struggles

Looking to Obtain a Better Work / Life Balance? Try These Ideas!

IMG_4054-670x394Trying to find a good balance between life and work can be very difficult especially if you have a large work load or your family has a very demanding schedule. We found this article from WebMD with five different tips that we hope will help you lead a more balanced life.

If you need Hammond homeowners associations dryer vent cleaning services, then Dryer Vents Plus is your #1 choice! Call Jeremy Leake today at 225-612-7752 to schedule your 100% Free, No Obligation Quote!

From the article:

If you’re finding it more challenging than ever to juggle the demands of your job and the rest of your life, you’re not alone.

Many people are putting in extra hours, or using their smartphones to be on call when they’re not physically at work.

“A lot of people are having a more difficult time finding balance in their lives because there have been cutbacks or layoffs where they work. They’re afraid it may happen to them, so they’re putting in more hours,” says psychologist Robert Brooks, PhD, co-author of The Power of Resilience: Achieving Balance, Confidence, and Personal Strength in Your Life.

“But even if you don’t have much control over the hours you have to work, you can ask yourself: In what other ways am I bringing greater enjoyment into my life?” Brooks says. “Focus your time and attention on things you can control.”

Here are five ways to bring a little more balance to your daily routine:

1. Build downtime into your schedule.
When you plan your week, make it a point to schedule time with your family and friends, and activities that help you recharge.

If a date night with your spouse or a softball game with friends is on your calendar, you’ll have something to look forward to and an extra incentive to manage your time well so you don’t have to cancel.

“It helps to be proactive about scheduling,” says Laura Stack, a productivity expert in Denver and author of SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best. “When I go out with my girlfriends, we all whip out our cell phones and put another girls’ night out on the calendar for 1 month later.”

Stack also plans an activity with her family, like going to a movie or the park, every Sunday afternoon. “We do this because if there’s nothing on the schedule, time tends to get frittered away and the weekend may end without us spending quality time together,” she says.

Michael Neithardt, an actor and television commercial producer in New York City, wakes up 3 hours before he has to leave for work so he can go for a run and spend some time with his wife and baby.

“A lot of my friends tend to wake up, shower, and go straight to work. And they often complain about having no time to do anything,” he says. “I find that if I can get those 3 hours in the morning, I have a more productive and peaceful workday. I can sure tell the difference when I don’t.”

Looking for yummy pumpkin recipes? Checkout this article about pumpkin desserts for busy homeowners that could be of interest to you.

Read all the tips here: http://www.webmd.com/health-insurance/protect-health-13/balance-life

Baton Rouge Dryer Vent Cleaning Company Honored As Associate of the Year

(Newswire.net — May 11, 2013) Baton Rouge, LA — In recognition of his contributions to the advancement of the Baton Rouge Apartment Association, Mr. Leake and his company, Dryer Vents Plus, were awarded the prestigious ???Associate of the Year??? award.

???It???s a great honor to be recognized for this award, and I look forward to continuing our close relationship with the Baton Rouge Apartment Association for many years to come,??? noted Mr. Leake.

The Baton Rouge Apartment Association (BRAA) is a local trade association that was formed in 1977 representing owners, developers, investors, managers and employees of apartment communities and vendors who provide products and services to the industry. BRAA dedicates itself to serving the needs of the Greater Baton Rouge multifamily industry.

BRAA is affiliated with both the Apartment Association of Louisiana and the National Apartment Association; members of BRAA are also members of the state and national association. BRAA prides itself in keeping the membership up to date with changes and opportunities in the multifamily industry.

BRAA is not a governmental agency and we have no regulatory authority over apartment communities or management companies. We do not investigate or mediate disputes between rental housing owners and residents. We are not able to personally answer questions or reply to inquiries about specific rental situations. We are not qualified or permitted to give legal advice. If you need legal assistance with a particular problem, we encourage you to check with an attorney or seek other legal resources that may be able to assist you.

The Associate of the Year award is given to an associate member who ???conducts business in highest professional standards, has sound business practices, and encourages the constant improvement of the quality & quantity of products & services to improve the multi-housing industry???.

Dryer Vents Plus is a locally-owned, Baton Rouge, Louisiana based company who???s mission is to help our customers solve potentially dangerous and costly problems, in a professional manner. ??The company???s main business focus is on inspecting and fixing clogged dryer venting issues in a timely manner.

To schedule an interview or request additional information, contact Jeremy Leake at 225-612-7752 or by email at jeremy.leake@dryerventsplus.com


Lafayette Dryer Vent Cleaning on the web

Hammond Dryer Vent Cleaning on Google Plus

Read the original press release here: http://www.newswire.net/newsroom/pr/73803-baton-rouge-dryer-vent-cleaning.html

Increase the Value of Your Home

classic-houseEvery homeowner is always looking for new ways to increase the value of their home but most of them don???t know where to start or where to focus their efforts. We found this article with tips that we think should help you a lot.

From the article:

Tip 1: Spend an hour with a pro.
Invite a realtor or interior designer over to check out your home. Many realtors will do this as a courtesy, but you will probably have to pay a consultation fee to a designer.

Tip 2: Inspect it.
Not every home improvement is cosmetic. Deteriorating roofs, termite infestation or outdated electrical systems you can’t fix it if you don’t know it’s broken. Hire an inspector to check out the areas of your home that you don???t normally see.

Tip 3: Paint, paint, paint.
One of the simplest, most cost-effective improvements of all is paint! Freshly painted rooms look clean and updated and that spells value.

Tip 4: Find inspiration.
An alternative to hiring a designer is to search for remodeling and decorating inspiration in design-oriented magazines, books, TV shows and websites.

Tip 5: Cut energy costs.
The amount of money you spend each month on energy costs may seem like a fixed amount, but many local utility companies provide free energy audits of their customers homes. They can show you how to maximize the energy efficiency of your home.

If you have additional questions contact us today!

To view the entire article click here: http://www.hgtv.com/real-estate/30-tips-for-increasing-your-homes-value/pictures/index.html