Living in a smaller home is growing in appeal as people are trying to be more green. We found this article all about a home that is 200 square feet. We hope it gives you some ideas for your next house!
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From the article:
Step into an alleyway in the Northeast Washington neighborhood known as Stronghold, and you will see a vegetable patch, a campfire, a view of the Capitol and a cluster of what neighbors call ???those tiny people, building their tiny houses.???
The people aren???t really tiny, but their homes are ??? 150 to 200 square feet of living space, some with gabled roofs, others with bright cedar walls, compact bathrooms and cozy sleeping lofts that add up to living spaces that are smaller than the walk-in closets in a suburban McMansion.
???This is the dream,??? says Rin Westcott, 28, who lives in Columbia and came out on a wintry Saturday afternoon bundled in a flower hat to help her friend Lee Pera with a tiny-house raising.
Pera, 35, wore safety goggles as she treated the cedar boards of her ???little house in the alleyway,??? one of three under construction in what is thought to be one of the country???s first tiny-house model communities.
If these affordable homes ??? which maximize every inch of interior space and look a little like well-constructed playhouses ??? are the dream, they represent a radically fresh version of what it takes to make Americans happy.
The small homes, some on wheels, don???t warrant many trips to the Container Store. There are no kitchen islands, three-car garages or living rooms that are never lived in. In fact, their increasing popularity could be seen as a denunciation of conspicuous consumption and a rejection of the idea that more is, well, more.
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