Have Water Damaged Drywall? Learn How to Fix it Here!

People are surprised how little water it takes to damage drywall. If you have damaged drywall due to water then you’ve come to the right place.

We found this article in the Washington Post that describes how to repair the drywall and avoid mold damage.

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From the article:

Repairing water-damaged drywall is not too hard. Ceilings will present the most difficulty if you’re not a professional. Working over your head is not easy, and getting the repair to blend in with the rest of the ceiling will be tough to achieve if you’re not highly experienced at finishing drywall.

It’s best to try to cut out the wet drywall as soon as possible so that you minimize any mold growth. Mold spores are hidden in the typical ceiling; the temperature is perfect, and they have food. The only ingredient missing was water, and now that’s present. Mold can bloom within days if you don’t act.

Be sure to wear goggles or other eye protection as you remove the damaged drywall. The last thing you need right now is a scratched cornea from a nugget of gypsum falling into your eye.

One of the biggest challenges in getting the ceiling ready for a new piece of drywall is cutting back the water-soaked drywall to the center of one of the ceiling joists. This is accomplished with any number of tools, from a sharp razor knife to a reciprocating saw held at a low angle so the blade just cuts into the drywall and not the wood joist.

You can also cut to the side of a joist and then nail on a scab or sister 2-by-2 that will be the lath catcher for the new drywall. Just be sure the bottom of the framing material is flush with the bottom of the existing joist. If it’s lower, you’ll end up with an unsightly hump in the ceiling.

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Click here to read the entire article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/03/18/AR2011031805121.html