When Checking Your Credit Do You Know What to Check? Find Out Here!

Everyone should always know what’s on their credit report. But reading and understanding credit reports can be very confusing. In order to help you out we found this article with five different things to review on your credit report. We hope it helps!

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From the article:

As a prospective home owner, you may find yourself paying closer attention to your credit. And rightfully so. A home can be one of the most important investments you???ll make during your lifetime. Home ownership is still the American dream for many. A home can become a part of your family???s story.

Applying for your home loan
Your lender will want to know as much about you as possible before approving your loan application. Before lending money, lenders want to make sure that you meet their credit risk guidelines. This is why it???s so important to check your own credit report ahead of time. What are the elements that make it a good report? What are the elements that may have lowered your score? Remember, what you see on your credit report is what potential lenders may consider when deciding to offer you a loan.

Your credit is a snapshot
Credit ReportThink of your credit report as a snapshot of how you take responsibility for your credit; it???s a snapshot that anyone with permission can review. You might say it reveals the state of your credit???s health at any point in your life. For your own viewing purposes, your credit report is an excellent way to tell if you???re making good financial decisions that could affect where you work, play and live. There are certain types of information on your credit report that you should pay close attention to. These are areas that potential creditors will examine when checking your credit report to determine if you???re a good credit risk.

Looking to get a mortgage? Then checkout this article about getting a mortgage tips that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.zillow.com/blog/5-important-things-to-review-146693/